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Capitulo 1. Da guarda - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 27 Words: 8062 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? A expressao guarda, deriva do alemao wargem, do ingles warden e do frances garde, podendo ser interpretado de uma forma generica para expressar vigilancia, protecao, seguranca, um direito-dever que os pais ou um dos pais estao incumbidos de exercer em favor de seus filhos. De certa forma, a guarda dos filhos de acordo com De Placido e Silva, e locucao indicativa, seja de direito ou do dever, que compete aos pais ou a um dos cÃÆ'Â ´njuges, de ter em sua companhia ou de protege-los, nas diversas circunstancias indicadas na lei civil. E guarda neste sentido, tanto significa custodia como a protecao que e devida aos filhos pelos pais.[1] Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Capitulo 1. Da guarda" essay for you Create order O instituto da guarda encontra-se explicitamente previsto nos artigos 1.583 a 1.590 do CC/02 e implicitamente previsto na CF/88 em seus artigos 227 e 229, que estabelecem as responsabilidades dos pais para com os filhos e garante ainda o direito de toda crianca ter um guardiao para protege-la, dar assistencia material, moral e vigia-la. Jose Antonio de Paula Santos Neto e Rubens Limongi Franca conceituam guarda como: [] o conjunto de relacoes juridicas que existem entre uma pessoa e o menor, dimanados do fato de estar este sob o poder ou a companhia daquela, e da responsabilidade daquela em relacao a este, quanto a vigilancia, direcao e educacao. [2] Na definicao de Flavio Guimaraes Lauria, a guarda: [] consiste num complexo de direitos e deveres que uma pessoa ou um casal exerce em relacao a uma crianca ou adolescente, consistindo na mais ampla assistencia a sua formacao moral, educacao, diversao e cuidados para com a saude, bem como toda e qualquer diligencia que se apresente necessaria ao pleno desenvolvimento de suas potencialidades humanas, marcada pela necessaria convivencia sob o mesmo teto, implicando, inclusive, na identidade de domicilioentre crianca e o(s) respectivo(s) titular(res).[3] Esclarece Waldyr Grisard Filho que: [] a guarda, enquanto manifestacao operativa do patrio poder, compreende a convivencia entre pais e filhos no mesmo local, a ampla comunicacao entre eles (visitacao), a vigilancia, o controle, a correcao, a assistencia, o amparo, a fiscalizacao, o sustento, a direcao, enfim, a presenca permanente no processo de integral formacao do menor.[4] A expressao guarda de filhos e uma locucao indicativa, ora de direito, ora de dever, que estabelece aos cÃÆ'Â ´njuges, em conjunto ou a cada um, de zelar e proteger a prole nas diversas circunstancias indicadas na lei civil. Neste sentido, guarda significa custodia e protecao que e devida aos filhos pelos pais. Para tanto e indispensavel o emprego da palavra responsabilidade, do latim respondere, que assume significado de responsabilizar-se, assegurar, o que se obrigou ou praticou. A guarda no Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente foi criada pela lei 8.069/90, a guarda descrita no estatuto da crianca e do adolescente visa atender a crianca que se encontre em flagrante estado de abandono, ou tenha sofrido falta, omissao ou abuso dos pais, para tanto, nao importa a previa suspensao ou destituicao do patrio poder, tanto que o detentor da guarda pode a qualquer tempo reclamar o direito de retirar o menor da posse de quem a esteja ilegalmente detendo. A guarda pode ter carater definitivo ou provisorio. Quando apresenta-se com carater definitivo, regulariza a posse de fato. Quando a guarda aparece com carater cautelar, preparatorio ou incidente, temos modalidades de guarda provisoria. Seu carater cautelar impoe-se quando o menor encontra-se abandonado e sua situacao depende de definicao. A crianca ou o adolescente sao colocados sob a guarda de uma pessoa, provisoriamente, ate que sejam tomadas medidas adequadas para a tutela de seus interesses. Ela assume carater preparatorio quando pedida antes do processo principal. e o que se passa na adocao e na tutela. Aquele que pretende o menor, sob uma dessas formas, pede ao juiz a guarda provisoria. e incidente quando, no correr do processo de adocao ou tutela, o juiz defere a guarda a terceiro, ou mesmo aos pretendentes. No caso de o juiz afastar os pais do patrio poder, a guarda e entregue a um terceiro. Isso se dando no decorrer do processo respectivo. Portanto, [] a determinacao da guarda, mesmo depois de homologada, e ainda que tenha transitado em julgado, pode ser alterada a favor do interesse do menor As medidas tomadas nesta materia sao suscetiveis de serem modificadas sempre que a situacao fatica se alterou. [5] O artigo 13 da Lei de Divorcio e o fundamento legal para a possivel alteracao da guarda. Sendo assim, sustenta-se o atendimento ao principio do melhor interesse da crianca e do adolescente. No entender de Sergio Gischkow Pereira, [] e uma regra que desfaz todas as regras, ou, se preferirem, passa a ser a regra das regras, entregando a discricao do magistrado a palavra ultima. [6] Criterios para determinacao da guarda Quando se da a separacao do casal genitor e que surge a problematica em relacao a questao da guarda na terminologia que estamos acostumados a encontrar, ou seja, quando e preciso estabelecer com quem irao residir os filhos menores do ex-casal. Mesmo quando nao houver ruptura conjugal as relacoes entre pais e filhos serao exercidas por ambos os cÃÆ'Â ´njuges de forma igualitaria, e na hora da separacao do casal, tais relacoes destes com os filhos, nao se altera como dispoe claramente o artigo 1632 do Codigo Civil, segundo o qual a separacao judicial, o divorcio e a dissolucao de uniao estavel nao alteram as relacoes entre pais e filhos senao quanto ao direito, que aos primeiros cabe, de terem em sua companhia os segundos. A desuniao do casal nao modificara os direitos e deveres dos pais em relacao aos filhos, uma vez que, um novo casamento de qualquer dos pais ou de ambos tambem nao importara restricao a direitos e deveres. Surge a partir do termino ou desfazimento da relacao conjugal, a disputa pela guarda do menor, ou seja, os cÃÆ'Â ´njuges terao que resolver qual o melhor modelo de guarda para o filho. Uma das opcoes, e a menos danosa para o menor, e quando os cÃÆ'Â ´njuges optam por uma decisao consensual, onde eles decidem por meio de um acordo o modelo de guarda que sera adotado, seja ela guarda unica, compartilhada, alternada, divida ou nidacao, mas desde que tal decisao esteja de acordo com o interesse do menor. Ja uma alternativa mais prejudicial para o menor e quando os cÃÆ'Â ´njuges/parceiros nao entram num acordo e acabam resultando em um penoso processo judicial, aonde cabera ao magistrado decidir qual a melhor forma de guarda a ser adotada. Essa disputa infelizmente ainda e bastante freqÃÆ'Â ¼ente nas Varas de Familia, fazendo inclusive promessas de gratificacoes materiais (presentes, viagens, etc.) para que os menores optem pela sua companhia. Os Juizes de Direito e Promotores de Justica precisam estar sempre atentos para tais circunstancias, pois a verificacao das condicoes para ter a guarda dos filhos abrange, tambem, a analise de se um dos genitores nao esta manipulando ou, ate mesmo, fazendo uma certa chantagem emocional com a prole a fim de obter judicialmente a guarda. Tanto na primeira quanto na Segunda, a opcao do magistrado ao prolatar sua sentenca devera observar certos requisitos para concessao, sendo os mais importantes a idade, o vinculo de irmaos caso existam, a opiniao do menor, comportamento dos pais e o interesse do menor. A idade do menor e um requisito importante a ser observado, visto que enquanto o menor estiver na idade tenra, ou seja; idade que varia do nascimento ate aproximadamente 24 meses, ja esta confirmado psicologicamente e ratificado atraves de inumeras jurisprudencias que o melhor para o menor e ficar com a figura materna, em virtude que este depende da mae de forma absoluta, seja por causa da propria sobrevivencia ou por ter maior vinculo com a mae, como e observado na decisao do tribunal in verbis: MENOR Guarda Crianca de tenra idade Separacao judicial dos pais Menor ha muito tempo sob a guarda do pai Inexistencia de indicios de que tal situacao nao mais convem a crianca Manutencao do status quo a servico da protecao psicologica do menino, ate a solucao das pendencias judiciais de seus pais Decisao mantida Recurso nao provido Em se tratando de guarda de menores, ha que se encaminhar os julgamentos basicamente no sentido de garantir-lhes, tanto quanto possivel, tranqÃÆ'Â ¼ilidade e bem estar, devendo prevalecer seus interesses sobre os de seus pais. (Relator: Marco Cesar Agravo de Instrumento n.ÂÂ º 201.724-1 Sao Paulo 17.02.94) [7] Porem, a guarda ficar com a genitora, nao implica no afastamento do genitor, sendo essencial que desde cedo ele tenha o maximo de contato com seu filho. Outro ponto a se destacar e se existem irmaos no litigio, porque nao e considerado aconselhavel separar irmaos, ja que diminui o vinculo de amizade e o companheirismo que existe entre eles, tendo o objetivo de pelo menos manter junto o pouco que resta da familia. Muito se tem duvida, se o menor deve ser ouvido ou nao na disputa da guarda, uma vez que a legislacao se omitiu a respeito. Porem, nos tribunais tais duvidas ja nao existem, uma vez que ja se tornou frequente o magistrado ouvir a manifestacao do menor, evitando assim que ocorram sentencas que fujam da realidade. Nao existe regra que expressa claramente a partir de qual idade sera ouvido o menor, e como essa manifestacao contara na decisao do magistrado, visto que os pais podem tentar seduzi-los. O que normalmente ocorre e que a partir dos doze anos o menor e juridicamente considerado adolescente, conforme art. 2 da Lei 8.069/90, e se for constatado que esse ja possui uma certa maturidade, o juiz certamente levara em conta a sua vontade ao prolatar a sentenca. Antes de decidir quem exercera a guarda do menor, o magistrado tambem devera observar a conduta dos pais, sendo levado em consideracao tanto as condicoes morais, como, idoneidade, ambiente familiar, social, como as condicoes materiais; ou seja; a sua profissao, renda, habitacao, etc. Conforme dispoe o artigo 1703 do Codigo Civil, para a manutencao dos filhos, os cÃÆ'Â ´njuges separados judicialmente contribuirao na proporcao de seus recursos. Exercendo pai e mae atividade laboral remunerada, ambos devem contribuir, na medida de suas possibilidades, para o sustento da prole comum. Dessa forma, quando se ficar comprovado condutas ilegais e imorais dos pais, estes deverao ter suas relacoes diminuidas ao maximo com o menor. Contudo, a principal regra, e a que se sobrepoe sobre qualquer outra no deferimento da guarda, e o interesse do menor, regra essa que vem transcrita no art. 13 da Lei 6.515/78. Assim, o interesse e sempre analisado na forma de que cada caso e um caso, devendo o magistrado toda vez fazer uma avaliacao criteriosa dos interesses individuais e concretos que existem no caso sub examine. Apesar da existencia dessa regra geral, a expressao interesse do menor nao poder ser conceituada, uma vez que trata-se de um criterio subjetivo do juiz. Porem, essa abrangencia na nomenclatura atualmente ja esta praticamente suprida, visto que o magistrado ao enfocar essa regra na decisao da guarda, devera obedecer certos requisitos que ja estao ratificados em doutrina, como o desenvolvimento fisico e moral da crianca, a qualidade de suas relacoes afetivas e a sua isercao no grupo social, bem como em jurisprudencia: Guarda Menor Atribuicao a mae, declarada responsavel pela separacao Admissibilidade Observancia da regra geral, que condiciona a guarda aos interesses morais e materiais do filho Improvimento do recurso Interpretacao dos arts. 10, 12 e 13 da Lei 6.515/78. A regra geral da definicao da guarda de menor e a da preservacao dos seus interesses morais e materiais, de modo que, se e o que lhes convem, pode ser atribuida ao cÃÆ'Â ´njuge responsavel pela separacao. (TJSP, AC61.708-4,Sao Paulo, 18.11.97, Rel. Cezar Peluso) [ grifo e nosso ][8] Pode-se dessa maneira concluir que o bem estar do menor deve sempre prevalecer em detrimento de qualquer outra circunstancia estabelecida entre o pai e a mae. As distintas modalidades de guarda Ha na doutrina uma lista contendo muitas especies de guardas, razao pela qual optou-se pela classificacao por grupos estabelecida por Waldyr Grisard Filho, por ser mais ampla.[9] Sendo assim, de acordo com o autor tudo comeca com a guarda do menor podendo ser subdividida em dois aspectos: o exercicio fisico e o exercicio juridico. Seguindo essa divisao, todas as modalidades de guarda sao compostas a partir desses dois aspectos. Desta forma, e importante esclarecer que detem a guarda fisica a pessoa com quem a crianca reside, e detem a guarda juridica a pessoa que reune todos os atributos que a torna responsavel pelo sustento, manutencao e educacao do menor ou do incapaz. Com o vinculo matrimonial ou a uniao estavel e a decorrencia da maternidade e paternidade surge o primeiro modelo de guarda, conhecido como guarda comum ou originaria, o qual nao e judicial, mas sim natural, em que ambos os cÃÆ'Â ´njuges exercem plenamente todos os poderes inerentes do patrio poder, conseqÃÆ'Â ¼entemente a guarda, nao existindo portanto a figura do nao guardiao. A guarda de fato e a que se estabelece por decisao propria de uma pessoa, ou seja, a que toma o menor a seu cargo, sem outorga legal ou judicial, porem cabe a esse guardiao todas as obrigacoes de assistencia e educacao, prevista na Legislacao Brasileira. Guarda provisoria ou temporaria e a que surge da necessidade de se atribuir a guarda a um dos genitores na pendencia dos processos de separacao ou de divorcio, tornando-se definitiva apos o exame cuidadoso de todos os criterios para atribuicao da guarda ao genitor mais apto. No entanto se chamara guarda unica quando o menor e confiado a guarda de um so dos pais. Contudo, e pertinente frisar que a guarda definitiva e relativa, pois, podera ser modificada a qualquer tempo, mediante ato fundamentado do juiz, na forma do disposto no artigo 35 e 148, paragrafo unico, do Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente. A guarda por terceiros ou por instituicoes tem suas diferencas, onde a primeira se cumpre por particular, mediante previa designacao; e a outra se efetiva por orgaos tecnico-administrativos de protecao. Cumpre lembrar que a Lei do Divorcio, no artigo 10, ÂÂ § 2.ÂÂ º, admite a possibilidade do juiz conferir a guarda a terceiros, em havendo motivo grave ou na salvaguarda do interesse do menor. Ressalte-se, porem, que nao existindo parentes ou estranhos ao menor que aceitem o encargo, a crianca sera colocada em instituicao governamental ou nao, nos termos do artigo 30 do Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente. e fato muito comum os filhos ao se casarem, continuarem morando com os pais, e com o nascimento dos filhos, enxergando a possibilidade de no futuro, esses usufruirem de direitos previdenciarios dos avos, e assim que surge mais um tipo de guarda a ser pleiteada, a guarda previdenciaria. Com a evidente precariedade da previdencia social, onde muitos exames e cirurgias basicas deixam de ser oferecidas, a guarda previdenciaria comeca a fazer sentido, apresentando maiores garantias a seus beneficiarios. Alem do que, o ECA nao proibe esse tipo de guarda, mas, ao contrario, preve, no ÂÂ § 2ÂÂ º do artigo 33, a excepcionalidade da guarda fora dos casos da tutela e da adocao. Entretanto, Jose Maria Leoni Lopes de Oliveira manifesta-se contrario a essa modalidade de guarda quando objetiva, unicamente, garantir ao menor o usufruto dos beneficios previdenciarios do guardiao.[10] Outras modalidades de Guarda sao a juridica, onde se caracteriza por ser exercida a distancia, pelo genitor nao-guardador, e a guarda material prevista no artigo 33, ÂÂ § 1ÂÂ º, do ECA, onde e exercida pelo genitor guardador que, em verdade, exerce o poder familiar em toda a sua extensao, ou, em outras palavras, esse tipo de guarda e o mesmo que custodia, pois que encerra a ideia de posse ou cargo. No aninhamento ou nidacao, e a modalidade em que os pais se revezam na guarda, mudando-se para a casa onde vivam os menores, em periodos alternados de tempo. Essa especie de guarda nao perdura, pelos altos custos que impoe a sua manutencao: tres residencias; uma para o pai, outra para a mae, e uma terceira para o filho, que recepciona, alternadamente, os pais de tempos em tempos. Por fim, a guarda compartilhada ou conjunta refere-se a tipos de guarda nas quais os pais tem a mesma responsabilidade legal pela tomada de decisoes importantes, conjunta e igualitariamente, diferindo no fato de ser por determinacao judicial ou por acordo. Assim, a guarda conjunta ou compartilhada deve ser planejada pelos pais, para que os menores tenham sua convivencia com os genitores preservada, e nesse modelo nao ha uma maior rigidez, sendo o filho o maior beneficiado. No entanto, e de dificil implementacao, principalmente quando se tem em vista a dificuldade de relacionamento dos pais apos a separacao, como se demonstrara no capitulo seguinte. Desuniao e os novos papeis dos genitores A desuniao dos pais, independente do casamento, coloca em evidencia o exercicio em separado da autoridade parental. Assim, quando se depara com a dissolucao da sociedade conjugal, ou da sociedade fatica, nao tem como esquivar-se dos deveres relativos a autoridade parental, pois, esses sao mantidos. A ruptura da vida conjugal gera efeitos pessoais, patrimoniais e sobre a pessoa dos filhos, traduzindo-se em organizacao da guarda e do regime de visitas. Trata-se de uma contrapartida de sua autoridade, ou seja, direitos e vantagens de um lado, obrigacoes e ÃÆ'Â ´nus, de outro. Sendo assim, ha muito que se ajustar, pois, assim comeca a divisao de funcoes entre os genitores. De certa forma, o primeiro passo e discutir sobre quem vai ser o guardiao da crianca, sendo que, a ele cabera a administracao dos bens e a responsabilidade civil. E ao genitor nao guardiao cabe o direito de visitas, o dever de alimentos e o direito de fiscalizacao. Como pode ser visto a responsabilidade parental nao apresenta grandes questoes juridicas trazidas a apreciacao do Judiciario, enquanto exercida na constancia do casamento e da uniao estavel, os problemas de um modo geral, se iniciam com as dificuldades que nao sao contornadas, com o final de uma relacao. No entanto, nas crises de ruptura da vida conjugal, aparecem graves conflitos relativamente a responsabilidade parental. E, o que se pode constatar, com freqÃÆ'Â ¼encia, e que causadas algumas perturbacoes, como o estresse, debilita de tal forma as pessoas envolvidas, que as torna incapazes de discernir. Os mecanismos de defesa desenvolvidos pelo casal em conflito acabam transformando os filhos menores em verdadeiros armamentos, que acabam servindo, no bombardeio entre os pais. Trata-se de um sistema inadequado de comunicacao, mas, o unico conhecido. Ha um fundamento tendencioso, o de reconhecer o principio da igualdade entre homem e mulher, e o superior interesse da crianca, que deve ter a sua vida organizada de tal forma que permaneca, dentro do possivel, o mais proximo ao que era, enquanto o casal conjugal existia concomitantemente ao casal parental. e razoavel supor que a presenca de pai e mae devem ter freqÃÆ'Â ¼encia ritmica, dada a importancia desta participacao na ampla responsabilidade de formacao dos filhos. Mas mesmo assim, no meio de tantas discussoes se torna dificil entender a simples ideia de que os pais se fazem necessarios na vida de sua prole. Os problemas nao acabam por ai, pois, o genitor-guardiao, so sera responsavel na medida em que o filho coabita consigo, tal coabitacao nao so como um vinculo de dependencia juridica. Mas tambem de dependencia material entre genitor e filho. Finalmente, o genitor pode a qualquer tempo invocar as causas gerais de exoneracao, ou seja, forca maior, caso fortuito, culpa de terceiro, etc., nestes casos, competira ao juiz se pronunciar sobre a culpa ou nao do genitor-guardiao. CAPiTULO 2. Guarda Compartilhada e a Disciplina da Lei 11.698/2008 Nao existem maes e pais ideais, so existem maes e pais presentes ou ausentes e certamente, sempre e melhor que estejam presentes na vida de seus filhos. [11] A ruptura dos lacos familiares surgimento do problema Enquanto a familia legitima ou natural, permanece fisica e efetivamente unida, a crianca desfruta de dois genitores. A ruptura conjugal cria a familia monoparental e a autoridade parental, ate entao exercida pelo pai e pela mae, acompanha a crise e se concentra em um so dos genitores, ficando o outro reduzido a um papel verdadeiramente secundario (visita, alimentos, fiscalizacao). Quer isso dizer que um dos genitores exerce a guarda no ambito da atuacao pratica, no cuidado diario e outro conserva as faculdades potenciais de atuacao.[12] Assim, com o crescente numero de rupturas surgem, tambem, os conflitos em relacao a guarda de filhos de pais que nao mais convivem, fossem casados ou nao. Cumpre a doutrina e a jurisprudencia estabelecer as solucoes que privilegiem a manutencao dos lacos que vinculam os pais a seus filhos, eliminando a dissimetria dos papeis parentais que o texto constitucional definitivamente expurgou, como se ve pelo artigo 226, ÂÂ §5ÂÂ º: A familia, base da sociedade, tem especial protecao do Estado ()ÂÂ § 5ÂÂ º Os direitos e deveres referentes a sociedade conjugal sao exercidos igualmente pelo homem e pela mulher. A ruptura afeta diretamente a vida dos menores, pois, de certa forma modifica totalmente a estrutura da familia e atingindo a organizacao de um de seus subsistemas, o parental. A situacao aparece uma corrente que questiona a necessidade de se manter todos os personagens da familia envolvidos, mesmo apos a ruptura da vida em comum, assim, tenta-se atenuar todas as conseqÃÆ'Â ¼encias injustas que essa ruptura provoca, atraves de envolvem para solucionar tal problema. Na constancia do casamento, a questao do poder familiar e da guarda e bem resolvida, pois pai e mae possuem os seus papeis definidos. Porem, quando ocorre a ruptura do casamento ou da uniao estavel, surge o problema de atribuicao da guarda. Mas o que se esquece de levar em consideracao e a questao que a guarda, vai muito alem da dor que os genitores possam sentir pelo rompimento, vai alem da discussao sobre a culpa, alem da partilha de bens, pois, para a tomada desta decisao os pais devem se abster de todos os problemas para entrarem de maneira tranqÃÆ'Â ¼ila em um consenso sobre a guarda dos filhos. Segundo Fabiola Santos Albuquerque o que sofrera alteracao, e ainda assim dependendo do grau de animosidade dos pais, e o exercicio do poder familiar [].[13] Mesmo apos a separacao, ambos os pais [] estao teoricamente em igualdade de condicoes para o exercicio do poder familiar, que somente se altera em relacao ao fato de que a crianca nao mais estara em tempo integral com ambos os genitores.[14] e essencial e justo que nenhum dos genitores coloque empecilhos no relacionamento dos filhos com o outro, para que os menores se desenvolvam sadios e sem seqÃÆ'Â ¼elas. Os pais que se casam novamente e tem outros filhos nao podem esquecer dos filhos fruto da uniao que nao deu certo. A separacao nao pode pÃÆ'Â ´r fim ao relacionamento familiar, como bem observa Karen Nioac de Salles: [] os pais nao podem, injustificadamente, privar os filhos do convivio com os irmaos e ascendentes. Esta convivencia deve, portanto, ser mantida mesmo que qualquer dos genitores, por razoes pessoais, queira pÃÆ'Â ´r-lhe termo. O termino da familia nao deve ir alem da separacao (ou divorcio) dos pais, preservando-se tanto quanto possivel, as relacoes dos filhos com todos os familiares.[15] O desejo de ambos os pais compartilharem a criacao e a educacao dos filhos e o destes de manterem adequada comunicacao com os pais motivou o surgimento de uma nova forma de guarda, A GUARDA COMPARTILHADA. Conceito de Guarda Compartilhada A guarda compartilhada nasceu ha pouco mais de 20 anos na Inglaterra e depois alastrou-se para Franca, Canada e Estados Unidos, hoje em dia, desenvolve-se em varios lugares do mundo. Sendo assim, o termo guarda conjunta, como ja dito anteriormente e de origem inglesa, joint custody, e diz respeito a possibilidade dos filhos de pais separados serem assistidos por ambos os pais. [16] Fica subentendido neste tipo de modalidade de guarda, que os pais tem efetiva e igualitaria autoridade legal sobre os filhos e como conseqÃÆ'Â ¼encia tem tambem maior cuidado com os filhos do que na guarda unica. No que tange os termos conjunta e compartilhada, Maria Lucia Leiria elucida que nao ha diferenca entre os termos guarda conjunta e guarda compartilhada. No entanto, o termo compartilhada e semanticamente para mim o mais conforme com o instituto da guarda conjunta, da guarda pelos dois genitores.[17] Ha uma linha de pensamento onde entende-se que na guarda conjunta, nao e a guarda, mas os outros atributos da autoridade parental que sao exercidos em comum. O instituto consiste no exercicio em comum, pelos pais, de um certo numero de prerrogativas relativas a pessoa da crianca. A guarda conjunta seria a aplicacao pratica do principio do exercicio conjunto da autoridade parental no caso de fragmentacao da familia. Se pretende que os dois genitores conservem a autoridade parental e participem igualmente nas grandes decisoes relativas a crianca, esta e, certamente, a solucao a privilegiar. Mas temos que entender que a guarda conjunta, ou compartilhada, nao se refere apenas a tutela fisica ou custodia material, mas todos outros atributos da autoridade parental sao exercidos em comum, assim, o genitor que nao detem a guarda material nao se limitara a supervisionar a educacao dos filhos, mas ambos os pais terao efetiva e equivalente autoridade parental para tomarem decisoes importantes ao bem estar de seus filhos. Goldstein e outros autores afirmam que os diferentes termos (conjunta, dividida e repartida, segundo eles) sao geralmente utilizados para descrever o mesmo arranjo, arranjo este que, como referimos, pode tanto simplesmente significar formas mais amplas de visitacao [].[18] No que se refere ao conceito propriamente dito, aduz Luiz Felipe Lyrio Peres, que guarda conjunta e: [] uma situacao juridica onde ambos os pais, apos uma separacao judicial, um divorcio ou uma dissolucao de uniao estavel, conservam mutuamente sobre seus filhos o direito da guarda juridica e da guarda fisica tendo como obrigacao domiciliarem proximos, possuirem mesmos valores e determinarem que o arranjo de alternancia de lares nao seja longo, para nao quebrarem a continuidade das relacoes parentais.[19] Entende Eduardo de Oliveira Leite que a guarda conjunta consiste no exercicio em comum, pelos pais, de um certo numero de prerrogativas relativas a pessoa da crianca.[20] Segundo Jose Romaldini Junior, [] e um meio de colocar o menor em contato com os pais com maior freqÃÆ'Â ¼encia, fazendo com que o filho nao perca a finidade com nenhum dos dois [].[21] No entender de Waldyr Grisard Filho: A guarda compartilhada, ou conjunta, e um dos meios de exercicio da autoridade parental, que os pais desejam continuar exercendo em comum quando fragmentada a familia. De outro modo, e um chamamento dos pais que vivem separados para exercerem conjuntamente a autoridade parental, como faziam na constancia da uniao conjugal.[22] Segue ainda o discurso de Waldyr Grisard Filho, Este modelo, priorizando o melhor interesse dos filhos e a igualdade dos generos no exercicio da parentalidade, e uma resposta mais eficaz a continuidade das relacoes da crianca com seus dois pais na familia dissociada, semelhantemente a uma familia intacta. e um chamamento dos pais que vivem separados para exercerem conjuntamente a autoridade parental, como faziam na constancia da uniao conjugal, ou de fato.[23] O Professor Jeff Atkinson explica que: [] a guarda conjunta nao tem uma definicao precisa. Ela pode cobrir um arranjo onde um dos genitores fica com as criancas durante o periodo escolar e outro durante as ferias, com direito a livre visitacao; ate arranjos mais tradicionais, onde o tempo despendido com a prole e menos dividido, mas ha a enfase no sharing parenting, e o genitor que nao detem a custodia tem participacao em decisoes chave relacionadas a saude e educacao dos menores.[24] Sobre o termo shared parenting, Sergio Eduardo Nick esclarece que nao importa mais tanto quem e que vai morar com a crianca, o destaque vai para os filhos, e aquilo que e melhor para eles: ter ambos os pais interessados em seu bem-estar, sua educacao, sua saude, e seu desenvolvimento como um todo. [25] Nesse sentido, os dois pais seriam estimulados a exercer a maternagem mesmo que separados. Do exposto, ve-se que o relevante nao e tanto com quem o menor ira residir, mas sim que ele fique a maior parte do tempo com ambos os genitores. As tarefas dos pais relativas ao menor apos a separacao nao sao exclusivas, ao contrario, sao compartilhadas. Aqui no Brasil, a redistribuicao dos papeis na comunidade familiar, como exigencia da evolucao dos costumes nas sociedades modernas, decretou a impropriedade da guarda exclusiva, impondo a reconsideracao dos parametros vigentes, que nao reservam espaco a atual igualdade parental. Quando o modelo vigente nao mais atende as expectativas sociais, quando a realidade quotidiana observada no foro prioriza, sistematicamente, a maternidade em detrimento da paternidade, quando se nega a crianca o direito de ter dois pais, quando inevitavel o processo de isonomia entre o marido e a esposa, criando uma simetria nos papeis familiares, e hora de se rever a questao da autoridade parental. E assim, com a modernidade, e a necessidade de rever a questao da autoridade parental, e que surgiu a guarda compartilhada no ordenamento juridico com a Lei 11.698/2008, onde regulou alguns artigos do Codigo Civil. Objetivo da guarda compartilhada Cabe entendermos que este modelo, tenta priorizar o melhor interesse dos filhos e a igualdade dos generos no exercicio da parentalidade, ouse ja, de certa forma e uma resposta mais eficaz a continuidade das relacoes da crianca com seus pais na familia dissociada. e uma forma de atentar aos pais que vivem separados, que podem exercer conjuntamente a autoridade parental, como faziam na constancia da uniao conjugal, ou de fato. Apos apresentadas os problemas que ocorrem com a dissolucao da sociedade conjugal, e as definicoes e conceitos, sobre esse novo modelo de guarda, passa se a expor os objetivos do instituto, a fim de que se possa ter uma nocao mais concreta. Sendo assim, temos como o principal objetivo diminuir os impactos que a ruptura conjugal causa tanto nos filhos quanto nos pais, validando a estes o papel parental permanente, ininterrupto e conjunto. No entendimento de Claudete Carvalho Canezin, o objetivo da guarda compartilhada e o de garantir que as duas figuras, pai e mae, mantenham um contato permanente, equilibrado, assiduo e co-responsavel com seus filhos, evitando tanto a exclusao quanto a omissao daquele que nao esta com a guarda naquele momento.[26] Ou seja, esse tipo de guarda visa a possibilidade de que os filhos de pais separados continuem assistidos por ambos os genitores, apos a separacao, devendo ter efetiva e equivalente autoridade legal para tomarem decisoes importantes quanto ao bem estar de seus filhos, e freqÃÆ'Â ¼entemente, ter uma paridade maior no cuidado deles. Segundo Marcial Barreto Casabona, o intuito da guarda compartilhada e que o filho tenha um contato diferenciado quantitativa e qualitativamente com o pai (ou mae). Que mantenha uma efetiva convivencia, e nao que seja simplesmente visitado pelo pai (ou mae).[27] Ao longo dos anos, pudemos presenciar inumeros exemplos problematicos ocorridos quanto a criacao dos filhos, pois, o detentor da guarda tenta impor ao outro genitor suas vontades, quanto a forma de conducao da educacao dos filhos, tendo em alguns casos, a necessidade de ser levado novamente a frente da justica, para decidir assuntos de interesse exclusivamente familiares. Tais processos judiciais acabam por deteriorar ainda mais o relacionamento familiar, e ainda, lotam o judiciario, transformando um desentendimento familiar em uma disputa juridica, na qual o juiz por vezes, nada tem a fazer se nao conciliar as partes. A guarda conjunta, compartilhada de certa forma, visa aumentar e dividir a responsabilidade de cada um dos genitores perante os filhos, a cooperacao e a comunicacao entre todos os membros da familia. Ha a pretensao de garantir uma igualdade, ja existente, entre homem e mulher mesmo apos a separacao, colocando em equilibrio os papeis parentais. Tenta por vezes, esse modelo de guarda demonstrar, que os genitores, devem equiparar-se quanto ao tempo livre que os mesmos detem, para a organizacao de sua vida pessoal e profissional, buscando assim reorganizar as relacoes entre pais e filhos no interior da familia na pos-separacao. Para atingir todos estes objetivos, tem-se procurado, transformar as relacoes superficiais do filho com o genitor nao-guardiao, fazendo assim, com que ele participe mais da vida de sua prole. Tenta-se por meio dessa maior participacao deste na vida daquele, visar uma cooperacao entre os genitores, que obviamente, nao depende exclusivamente de uma ordem judicial, mas da boa vontade de ambos. Assim, este modelo de guarda nos demonstra que os genitores podem e devem exercer o encargo parental mesmo apos a separacao ou divorcio, tendo em vista sempre o modelo de organizacao familiar que se assemelha a uma familia intacta. A guarda compartilhada, de certa forma, exige a responsabilizacao conjunta dos dois pais pelas funcoes inerentes ao poder familiar (CC, art. 1.583, ÂÂ § 1.ÂÂ º), sem prevalencia ou hierarquia de um pai sobre o outro, num ambiente mais democratico e igualitario. Sendo assim, para a possivel a aplicacao da guarda conjunta ou compartilhada, e necessario, o pressuposto do atendimento ao melhor interesse da crianca e do adolescente. Faz-se, necessario e que haja o exame bem atento do caso concreto, onde possa ser verificado as reais condicoes sociais, psicologicas, morais, emocionais e afetivas dos genitores, pois nao podem existir quaisquer das causas impeditivas do deferimento da guarda para um dos pais, exemplos: violencia contra os filhos, alcoolismo, doencas mentais, vontade expressada de nao ser o guardiao etc. Dessa forma, o maior objetivo da guarda compartilhada e a continuidade da relacao afetiva e filial da crianca e do adolescente com ambos os pais, mas sempre lembrando que tal modelo, carece de analise da condicao familiar, para que nao cause danos permanentes aos filhos. Pode ser concluido neste topico que para ser vislumbrada a possivel aplicacao da guarda compartilhada, e indispensavel ser analisado o caso concreto, pois, ha situacoes pode nao atender o melhor interesse do menor, pois em determinados casos, a convivencia com ambos os genitores acaba nao sendo um fator fundamental no desenvolvimento social e psicologico, tendo em vista que as vezes uma familia mal constituida e pode causar danos a prole. Por mais, certo que seja que e atraves de nossas familias de origem, representada por nossos pais, que nos inserimos na estrutura social, bem como e primordialmente atraves das relacoes com ambos, pai e mae, que construimos nossa subjetividade, devemos ter o cuidado de analisar se a relacao conjunta de ambos os genitores nao cause mais brigas e confusoes na vida da crianca e do adolescente. Comentarios sobre a Lei 11.698/2008 e suas mudancas no Codigo Civil Ja ha algum tempo observava-se na sociedade brasileira um significativo movimento reivindicatorio em favor da legalizacao da guarda compartilhada, que foi atendido por meio da promulgacao, da Lei nÂÂ °. 11.698/08, publicada em de 13 de junho de 2008, que alterou os artigos 1.583 e 1.584 do nosso Codigo Civil, e introduziu, expressamente, a guarda compartilhada em nossa legislacao. Era grande a necessidade de ratificar-se a sua aplicacao, pois, na nossa sociedade houve mudancas sociologicas em relacao a familia, inclusive no ambito do Direito Processual Civil, dando relevo ao Instituto da guarda compartilhada, pelo motivo de tratar-se de um Direito Fundamental, o qual e norma e, tambem, uma necessidade e tarefa do Estado. A insercao desse modelo de guarda no direito brasileiro e de certa forma, uma adaptacao a sociedade moderna que sofre transformacoes diariamente. E e assim que surge a luta para que a Guarda Compartilhada saisse do papel, pois, as mudancas na sociedade clamavam por essa evolucao; houve assim, o empenho das entidades de maes e pais separados, desde o ano de 2002. Houve o Projeto de Lei n. 6.350, de autoria do entao deputado federal do PT/MG, Tilden Santiago encontrava-se em tramitacao, assim, este projeto visava alterar os artigos 1583 e 1584 do Codigo Civil e instituir, legalmente, a Guarda Compartilhada no Brasil. Em agosto de 2004, o projeto recebeu parecer favoravel da Comissao de Seguridade Social e Familia do Congresso Nacional, sendo encaminhado em agosto de 2006 para a Comissao de Constituicao, Justica e Cidadania do Senado Federal aguardando parecer do relator, Senador Demostenes Torres, PFL-GO. Depois que este projeto foi protocolado no Congresso Nacional, surgiram outros dois, versando sobre o mesmo tema. Um, do deputado Feu Rosa, em 18/03/2002, apensado ao primeiro, e outro do Deputado Ricardo Fiuza, em 07/11/2002, que e parte de um conjunto de alteracoes em varios dispositivos do Codigo Civil. Conforme ja mencionado, a primeira observacao relevante acerca da nova redacao dos arts. 1.583 e 1.584 e que eles nao se referem mais, expressamente, somente a guarda dos filhos para o caso de dissolucao da sociedade conjugal ou do vinculo conjugal em razao da separacao judicial ou divorcio, mas sim, a situacao dos filhos em qualquer hipotese em que os pais nao vivam juntos. A passagem da teoria a pratica so sera efetiva apos profundos estudos do comportamento humano, sempre em cotejo com os objetivos da norma constitucional protetiva do menor no caso concreto. Inobstante as dificuldades que sempre sao enfrentadas na solucao consciente e madura da guarda do menor, so a formacao firme, o apoio dos profissionais ja mencionados, o aporte de condicoes humanas e materiais poderao fazer com que o juiz de familia tenha condicoes de, passando da teoria a pratica, utilizar-se desse novo instituto. [28] Assim sendo, houve uma ratificacao sobre a legislacao existente sobre a guarda compartilhada, pois, no ordenamento juridico brasileiro, pois, nao havia nada ate entao, a respeito da modalidade de guarda compartilhada ou conjunta, mas, depois da vigencia da Lei, o assunto e tratado de forma mais clara, uma vez que a Lei tornou o tema uniforme, em determinados casos, quanto a sua aplicacao nos tribunais e, nao mais uma excecao a regra. Com a nova lei, o caput do art. 1.583 passou a ter a seguinte redacao: A guarda sera unilateral ou compartilhada. O legislador preocupou-se, inclusive, em definir essas modalidades de guarda, o que fez no ÂÂ § 1ÂÂ º, que assim dispoe: Considerando o artigo 1.583 percebe que a intencao o Legislador e acima de tudo definir um dever generico de cuidado material, atencao e afeto, por parte do genitor a quem nao se atribuiu a guarda, estando implicita a intencao de evitar o que a doutrina convencionou chamar de abandono moral. [29] Conforme evidencia a seguir: Com a nova lei, o caput do artigo 1.583 passou a ter a seguinte redacao: A guarda sera unilateral ou compartilhada. O legislador preocupou-se, inclusive, em definir essas modalidades de guarda, o que fez no ÂÂ § 1ÂÂ º, que assim dispoe: Compreende-se por guarda unilateral a atribuida a um so dos genitores ou a alguem que o substitua (art. 1.584, ÂÂ § 5ÂÂ º) e, por guarda compartilhada a responsabilizacao conjunta e o exercicio de direitos e deveres do pai e da mae que nao vivam sob o mesmo teto, concernentes ao poder familiar dos filhos comuns. [30] Anteriormente a Lei 11.698/2008, havia divergencia entre os pais, pois, a guarda era sempre unilateral, era ela atribuida a mae, ao pai, ou, se nenhum dos genitores apresentasse condicoes satisfatorias para exerce-la, ate mesmo a terceira pessoa. Pela atual redacao do art. 1.584, ÂÂ § 2ÂÂ º, quando nao houver acordo entre a mae e o pai quanto a guarda do filho, sera aplicada, sempre que possivel, a guarda compartilhada. Constata-se, pois, que a orientacao legal foi modificada, devendo-se priorizar a guarda compartilhada em detrimento da guarda unilateral. Na acao em que a guarda estiver sendo discutida, o juiz, na audiencia de conciliacao, deve informar aos pais o significado da guarda compartilhada, a sua importancia, a similitude de deveres e direitos dos mesmos e as sancoes que podem ser impostas pelo descumprimento daquilo que for estipulado. Caso o magistrado verifique nao ser aconselhavel a guarda compartilhada, nao lhe restara alternativa senao atribui-la a um dos pais. Nesse caso, a guarda unilateral, nos termos do disposto no art. 1.583, ÂÂ § 1ÂÂ º, sera atribuida ao genitor que revele melhores condicoes para exerce-la e, objetivamente, mais aptidao para propiciar aos filhos os seguintes fatores: afeto nas relacoes com o genitor e com o grupo familiar, saude e seguranca; e educacao. Alias, caso o juiz verifique que nenhum dos pais oferece condicoes para ficar com a guarda dos filhos, podera conferi-la a uma terceira pessoa que revele compatibilidade com a medida, de preferencia levando em conta o grau de parentesco e a relacao de afinidade e afetividade. A guarda dos filhos menores ou dos maiores incapazes pode ser alterada a qualquer tempo, desde que haja alteracao na situacao fatica. Nesse sentido, o art. 1.586 estabelece que, havendo motivos graves, podera o juiz, em qualquer caso, a bem dos filhos, regular de maneira diferente da estabelecida a situacao deles para com os pais. No entanto, o fato de o guardiao convolar novas nupcias ou passar a manter outro relacionamento afetivo nao acarreta a perda do direito de ter os filhos consigo. Conforme o teor do Enunciado 337, aprovado na IV Jornada de Direito Civil do CJF: O fato de o pai ou a mae constituirem nova uniao nao repercute no direito de terem os filhos do leito anterior em sua companhia, salvo quando houver comprometimento da sadia formacao e do integral desenvolvimento da personalidade destes. Se for estipulada a guarda unilateral, o pai ou a mae que nao ficar com a mesma, tera o direito de visitar os filhos e te-los sob a sua companhia, bem como de fiscalizar a sua manutencao e educacao. O regime de visitas deve ser acordado pelos proprios pais ou ser fixado pelo magistrado. O ideal e que tal direito seja amplo, a fim de que o filho possa manter o relacionamento mais proximo possivel com ambos os genitores. Alias, a visita nao e apenas um direito do nao guardiao, mas tambem um direito do filho de ser visitado. Apesar de nao haver expressa determinacao legal, e assente, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudencia, que o direito de visitas nao esta restrito ao genitor nao guardiao, sendo estendido tambem as outras pessoas proximas ao menor, em especial aos avos. Nesse sentido, afirma o Enunciado 333, aprovado na IV Jornada de Direito Civil, promovida pelo CJF: o direito de visita pode ser estendido aos avos e pessoas com as quais a crianca ou o adolescente mantenha vinculo afetivo, atendendo ao seu melhor interesse. Ora, entende-se que uma crianca precisa da figura do pai e da mae para o seu desenvolvimento psicologico e social. Um dos direitos fundamentais da crianca e do adolescente e o direito a convivencia familiar, previsto no artigo 227 da Constituicao Federal de 1988. A crianca tem direito a convivencia com seus pais, mesmo que a familia tenha sido modificada em funcao da dissolucao da sociedade conjugal ou da uniao estavel. Visando o melhor interesse do menor, para que ambos os pais compartilhem da criacao, educacao, participacao na vida dos filhos com adequada comunicacao, a forma mais conveniente seria a guarda compartilhada. CAPiTULO 3 Aplicabilidade do Modelo A aplicacao da guarda compartilhada no ordenamento juridico brasileiro depende de cada caso concreto e especifico. A guarda compartilhada, veio em busca de atenuar o impacto negativo da ruptura conjugal, pois, tenta fazer com que os dois pais consigam ficar envolvidos na criacao dos filhos, validando-lhes o papel parental permanente, ininterrupto e conjunto. Dessa forma, cada caso que chega ao judiciario, deve ser analisado, a fim de conseguir juntar varios fatores, como a responsabilidade, a cooperacao e cordialidade entre o casal. Esses sao alguns dos criterios nos quais devem ser levados em consideracao pelo Magistrado e sua equipe, para que seja determinada a aplicacao da guarda compartilhada. A quebra do vinculo parental por varias vezes representa um extraordinario prejuizo a formacao da personalidade do filho e sua relacao com o meio social, ou seja, uma analise mal feita da possibilidade da aplicacao da guarda compartilhada e a crianca sofrera muito mais. Temos que ter a ideia de que, compartilhar, nao e simplesmente dividir as responsabilidades, e o tempo de convivencia, e muito mais, de certa forma, e continuar a pensar, fazer e proporcionar juntos, nao como uma familia em baixo do mesmo teto, mas sim, juntos, apesar da separacao, disernir o que e bem melhor para o desenvolvimento emocional, material e moral dos seus filhos. Compartilhar tem um sentido especial e profundo. Nao se deixa de tomar parte, participar, compartir, partilhar com alguem. Os pais devem entender que, o instituto da guarda compartilhada, no meu entendimento, vem para tentar representar uma melhor opcao para um desenvolvimento e crescimento nao so como pessoa, ser humano, mas notadamente no plano emocional e psicologico dos filhos. A aplicabilidade deste modelo de guarda, nao dependem somente da interpretacao dos Magistrados, e sua equipe, para que de certo, cabe aos pais, entenderem o real e verdadeiro significado dessa compartilhacao na guarda, pois, devem entender que ao judiciario cabe zelar pelo bem estar da populacao, mas aos seu filhos, eles tambem devem fazer a sua parte. Se os pais conseguirem, separar o fim do casamento, da criacao da prole, essas criancas e adolescentes poderiam ficar eternamente gratos, pois, saberiam que na pratica, e possivel disso ocorrer de forma efetiva e verdadeira; acabando assim, um pouco com o sofrimento desses filhos. Enfim a aplicabilidade da GUARDA COMPARTILHADA, se compreendida pelos pais, e bem analisadas pelos Magistrados, e benefica para toda a familia, trazendo harmonia e um convivio saudavel para o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos filhos. DE PLaCIDO E SILVA, Vocabulario Juridico, 2 ed. V. 1-2, Rio de Janeiro, Forense, 1990, p-365-366. SANTOS NETO; FRANcA, 1994 apud CANEZIN, Claudete Carvalho. Da guarda compartilhada em oposicao a guarda unilateral. Revista Brasileira do Direito de Familia, Sao Paulo, n. 28, p. 5-25, fev./mar. 2005. p. 8. GUIMARaES, 2002 apud RAMOS, Patricia Pimentel de Oliveira Chambers. O poder familiar e a guardacompartilhada sob o enfoque dos novos paradigmas do direito de familia. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2005. p. 54. GRISARD FILHO, Waldyr. Guarda compartilhada: um novo modelo de responsabilidade parental. 2. ed. Sao Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2002. p. 131. GONcALVES, Denise Willhelm. Guarda compartilhada. 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Sao Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2000, p. 103. ALBUQUERQUE, Fabiola Santos. As perspectivas e o exercicio da guarda compartilhada consensual e litigiosa. Revista Brasileira de Direito de Familia, Sao Paulo, v. 7, n. 31, p. 19-30, ago./set. 2005. p. 22. RAMOS, Patricia Pimentel de Oliveira Chambers. O poder familiar e a guarda compartilhada sob o enfoque dos novos paradigmas do direito de familia. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2005. p. 68. SALLES, Karen Ribeiro Pacheco Nioac de. Guarda compartilhada. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2002. p. 90. ALVES, Wellington Lopes. GUARDA COMPARTILHADA DOS FILHOS. Disponivel em Acesso em 17.03.2010. LEIRIA, Maria Lucia Luz, op. cit., p. 218. BRUNO, Denise Duarte. Guarda compartilhada. Revista Brasileira de Direito de Familia, Porto Alegre, v. 3, n. 12, p. 27-39, jan./mar. 2002. p. 28. PERES apud BARRETO, Elaine Gomes, op. cit., p. 98. LEITE, Eduardo de Oliveira, op. cit., p. 264. ROMALDINI JuNIOR, Jose Valdemar. Guarda compartilhada. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Supernatural Soliciting Within Shakespeare s Macbeth

Julia Sawicka Ms. Paolone ENG3U1d Monday, November 6th, 2017 Supernatural Soliciting within Shakespeare s Macbeth Shakespeare’s Macbeth is broadly known as a cursed play by a myriad of individuals globally. Given its appalling history of death and disorder, as well as the supernatural elements present within the play, many have come to the latter conclusion. To add, Macbeth is also a tragedy, adding more malediction to the already allegedly accursed play. To create such a tragic, ill-fated play, Shakespeare uses a vast variety of supernatural features, as well as the main component of a tragic hero, a tragic flaw. Thus, the supernatural within Shakespeare’s Macbeth is vital to the structure of the tragic plot, and such importance†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, the witches’ prophecy gives him enlightening hope that he could one day be King, boosting his self-esteem. Macbeth is seen to have difficulty deciphering between good and evil when he thinks: This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? I am Thane of Cawdor. If good, why do I yield to that suggestion, Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs Against the use of nature? (Shakespeare 1.3.129-36). Through the latter quote it is seen that the prophecies presented to Macbeth are troubling him, for he does not know whether to believe the wicked witches or not, for they bear good news. To add, the witches also play a pivotal role for they aid in the advancement of the plot through their prophecies, which lead to the commencement of Macbeth’s corruption due to his blind ambition. As aforementioned, Macbeth has a tough time choosing between good and evil, and ultimately, becomes swayed by the temptation of the throne and chooses evil. However, on his own, Macbeth was not depraved enough to choose the latter, and only did such after being influenced by the witches’ prophecies. Therefore, the witches tempt Macbeth to do wrong, and Lucy further conveys this argument when she writes, â€Å"TheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Macbeth s Macbeth 1250 Words   |  5 PagesDeemed Shakespeare’s shortest and most bloody tragedy, Macbeth is the tale of a vali ant Scottish general whose unchecked ambition elicited his transformation into an immoral and tyrannical ruler. The story follows Macbeth’s encounter with the three Weird Sisters whose ambivalent â€Å"prophecies† prompted him to murder King Duncan and ultimately triggered his moral decline. Most prominent in the play is the theme of equivocation and a pervasive feeling of uncertainty is felt throughout the entirety ofRead MoreSupernatural Elements and Impacts in the Play Macbeth:1620 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Man is not the creature of circumstances Circumstances are the creatures of man.† Macbeth, throughout the play, is presented as one much above the ordinary beings, and, as such, he fulfils the basic -requirements of being a tragic hero. Shakespeare, introduces him as a brave general, a bold, resolute man of action who through as also referred to â€Å"Valor’s minion†, â€Å"Bellona’s bridegroom’’, the king’s ‘’valiant cousin’’, a very â€Å"eagle’’ among ‘’sparrows’’, a ‘’lion’’Read MoreMacbeth - a Tragic Hero2214 Words   |  9 PagesWilliam Shakespeares play Macbeth, written in the 1600s is a perfect example of Shakespeares ability to manipulate his audience through creating a tragic hero. A tragic hero who, because of a flaw, tumbles from a well-respected hero to a cowardless murderer. It is through Shakespeares manipulation of figurative language, dramatic conventions and social expectations of the seventeenth century, do the audience witness the demise of this mixed up man. Macbeths persona of the tragic hero is enhancedRead MoreAnalysis Of Macbeth And Medea Essay1331 Words   |  6 Pagesboth Shakespearean and Greek tragedy: namely, those of Macbeth and Medea. In the nature of literary tragedy, tragic flaw and downfall go hand in hand. Macbeth and Medea, although their circumstances differ in time and place, share more than one personality flaw; however, one major factor sets them apart. While the curse of pride, ego, and an insatiable hunger for power all contribute to the mental or physical downfall of both Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Euripides’ Medea, Macbeth’s ultimate hamartia isRead MoreMacbeth Good Vs Evil Essay1522 Words   |  7 Pagesevil is a conflict full of strife, where consideration of natural law is continually overshadowed by the seductive illusion of power. William Shakespeare’s 17th-century play Macbeth shows the con flict of an honourable man who is provoked by external factors to fall from goodness and execute deplorable crimes. Not only does Macbeth become evil due to his inner nature, but external factors such as pride and greed cause him to succumb to an existence of sin. The majority of people are not born intrinsicallyRead MoreMacbeth Character Analysis1799 Words   |  8 PagesMacbeth by William Shakespeare portrays a tragic hero whose drastic decisions causes a major downfall in his life. Many try to understand why Macbeth spirals out of control so quickly, but the psychology behind it explains it all. Exploring the Mind of Man explains how the brain blames any catastrophe in his/her life on an object outside of themselves, when in reality their downfall is their own fault. By researching and learning how the brain works, it becomes very evident that Macbeth doesn’t takeRead MoreAmbition : The Power Of Ambition1819 Words   |  8 PagesAmbition, the desire to achieve greatness and fulfill our passions, has long been one of humanity’s most powerful and helpful traits. Ambition propels us to conquer, create, and build the incredible things that influence and improve billions of people s’ lives around the globe today. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Comparative Neuromancer And The Time Machin Essay Example For Students

Comparative: Neuromancer And The Time Machin Essay eA common tool of science fiction writers is the use of a character, to whom the reader can relate, placed in an alien setting. This character will represent the reader in this new alien world or society, allowing the reader to form a link between his or her own world and this new one. Because these characters are placed in unfamiliar settings, a way is presented to defamiliarize our own society and perhaps even look at it in a new way, or from a new angle. These characters play a role in the novel that usually involves some interaction with this alien society that changes their perception of the alien world. It causes the characters to see the society or world in a new light, comparing it to their own more familiar society and seeing the benefits and weaknesses of both. These experiences usually cause these characters to alter their self-perception as well, changing due to the influence of these societies. Two such novels are Neuromancer, and The Time Machine. In Neuromancer, author William Gibson gives us the character Henry Case, or just Case, as he is referred to throughout the novel. The setting is in the near future, on Earth, and Case is living in a highly technologically advanced time. He used to be a console cowboy, a data thief that could hack into corporate systems and steal information. Case is recruited, against his will, to help an Artificial Intelligence named Wintermute free itself from containment. In this setting, laws exist to prevent the release of Artificial Intelligences into cyberspace, or what Gibson terms the Matrix. These Turing laws are not the only methods of preventing AIs from becoming free. Along with the laws, computer security programs guard these AIs, much like other security programs guard information and corporate system. Wintermute requires Case to break through the security holding it in check. At first, Case is unaware of who or what Wintermute is, and he is forced to help it because Wintermute has cau sed toxin sacs to be placed in Cases bloodstream that will dissolve after a certain amount of time. If Case completes his job (the freeing of Wintermute), then a cure will be provided. This coercion causes Case to think of Wintermute as a kind of enemy, and he reluctantly helps it. His role is as a tool of an Artificial Intelligence, used against his will for purposes unclear to him. In direct contrast to this, the Time Traveller, from H.G. Wells The Time Machine, decides his own course of action and, in fact, decides to help an alien race without their asking. The Time Traveller is a character from Britain in the late 19th century. He designs a time machine and is determined to travel into the future and return to describe what he has seen. He holds a dinner party for several of his friends where he relates his experiences in the future. He travels to the year 802,701 and discovers two different races, the Eloi and the Morlocks, inhabiting the earth the Eloi on the surface, and the Morlocks below. The first creature he encounters is a member the Eloi, a very beautiful and graceful creature, but indescribably frail. He attempts to interact with the Eloi but because their language is so different, he has to slowly build a kind of communication through gestures and sounds. The Time Traveller sees the Eloi as the culmination of humankind, a delicate creature with no need for fear or any type of aggressive or competitive behaviour. When he finally discovers the Morlocks, who live below the surface, he sees them as monsters, ape-like figures with large, glassy eyes and pallid skin. Because of this, the Time Traveller identifies with the Eloi, and forms a relationship with one of them, a female named Weena. When he learns that the Morlocks are carnivorous, and eat the Eloi to survive, he sees the Morlocks as evil. And when he also learns that the Morlocks have stolen his time machine, he decides to fight them to get it back. His role as an observer, and later as a protagonist, is almost the exact opposite of Cases role in Neuromancer. Arts Management Final EssayThe Time Traveller comes to the realization that all the Eloi have is an illusion of freedom. They are merely food for the Morlocks, who keep them placated. He refers to this relationship as one of farmer and their cattle, where the cows are blissfully unaware of the fact that they are food for the farmers. He also sees the two races as the eventual result of the split between Capitalists and the Labourers. When he journeys below and discovers a large underground world of machinery and metal, he relates this to his time, and how there is an increasing trend to build things underground, such as transit systems, restaurants, and shops things that are less ornamental and more functional. This evolution seems to suggest to him that the working class has become the underworld dwellers, while the rich, upper class has evolved into a playful, but almost idiotic race of beautiful, fragile dolls. The Time Traveller states his theory of this progress in the followi ng statement:So, in the end, above ground you must have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty, and below ground the Have-nots, the Workers getting continually adapted to the conditions of their labour. With the Morlocks forced underground, while the Eloi have the surface as their garden and playground, the Time Traveller suddenly sees this progression as not the evolution of mankind, but the evolution of class division. He even suggests that such a division is taking place in his time already, stating that:Even now, does not an East End worker live in such artificial conditions as to be practically cut off from the natural surface of the earth?This suggests that the Time Traveller, a reflection of H.G. Wells, sees class division as something bad, something that could lead to an insurmountable gulf between the rich and poor. The Time Traveller, then, sees the fate of the Eloi and Morlocks as something which could happen (and is starting to happen, in his time) to mankind. Case, although recruited unwillingly, eventually decides to help Wintermute because he sees in Wintermute the hope and desires of mankind that have somehow been lost in his society. He uses his experience to grow personally, and after his mission is over, and Wintermute is free, Case re-evaluates his life and decides to live more in the moment. The Time Traveller, on the other hand, sees his time with the Eloi and the Morlocks as a warning for mankind, a glimpse into our future and what could happen to us if we do not change the way that all levels of society interact. Both Case and the Time Traveller come away from their experiences having learned a lesson, and having seen what makes us human, the good and the bad. And both H.G. Wells and William Gibson fulfilled their roles as Science Fiction authors as well: to provide us with a look into another world, and to cause us to leave that world thinking about our own. Bibliography1. The Time Machine, The Science Fiction Volume 1, H.G. Wells, Phoenix, Great Britain, 1995 (The Time Machine originally published in 1895)2. Neuromancer, William Gibson, Ace Books, The Berkeley Publishing Group, New York, 1984

Monday, December 2, 2019

Internet In Russia Essays - Internet In Russia, Internet

Internet In Russia Russia has always been a country full of contradictions, as it was said once in a movie: ?They weep when getting married, and sing going off to war.? Large cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, are showing off the latest models of executive cars (always full option) and open up new boutiques of top couturiers almost daily. Nevertheless as soon as one gets outside the urban area, running water is considered a luxury. Technology as a whole was never Russia's strongest asset. This means that some technological advances considered a ?must-have? in the west are still ignored in this country. For example, the quality of agricultural machinery is almost at the pre-historic level. While at the same time the range of household technological supplies is greater and more advanced than in most European countries. It is only what is heeded prosperous to have, that is being developed and spent money on. Computers were known as ?a tool for the wizard? for quiet some time in Russia. University students used typewriters for their papers up to 1996 at least. Even nowadays, lots of government organisations and some students still don't use computers for the paperwork. Internet was literally unheard of in the masses until around 1995. I find it ironic that one of the first and most scandalous hacker incidents happened in Russia. In the early nineties a young man from St. Petersburg broke into a Swiss bank computer system. The crook ended up messing with millions of dollars. When the incident went public, the people didn't understand the concept of online communication or Internet services, the only thing that was talked about was the dollar amount that could have been stolen. The first spread of Internet use among the non-scientific population was for commercial purposes. It is when russian entrepreneurs understood the importance of communication and publicity, especially towards the west, that Internet providers found a source of income in Russia. As in most fields of technological advances, after the first push the wheel of demand instantaneously gains its speed. In the span of three years 86% of non-government organisations based in large cities had a web page. Even though the above seems to show an immense change, there is still a boundary between Russia and the rest of the world, even on the web. There is such a thing as a ?Russian Internet?; most russian users don't go beyond that. The most obvious reason is a language barrier, as well as the letter difference. Unfortunately these are not the only reasons for the lack of interest towards the ?foreign Internet?; since Russia is an enormously large country, most of its inhabitants feel that it is the whole world. Most of these people will never have the chance to go anywhere outside of Russia, so they show ignorance towards the life and events outside of it. In order to be able to surf on the Russian Internet and be able to take advantage of all the information offered, one has to have a bilingual keyboard; with both Russian and Latin alphabets. The names of the sites are using Latin letters, that is the requirement to get on the World Wide Web. The information is usually in Russian. This causes a problem, because if one doesn't have a special translating system installed, the russian letters turn into chaotic symbols and it is impossible to have access to the information on this site. Some sites are getting a double version, for both Russian and English-speaking users; they are the ones that are aimed at the west. Anyone who has ever gone on the Internet has used such browsers as ?Yahoo? or ?AltaVista?, they obviously help one to get around the net and find relevant information. There are Russian equivalents of these search engines, based on the same system of usage. The first Russian Web Directory was ?Russia On The Net?, it still exists, but it is rarely used, since more advanced systems have been developed. The most well known browser is ?Aport 2000?. The reason for its popularity is the automatic translation of foreign sites into Russian, as well as the automatic compatibility to any computer system. Another reason is

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

buy custom Visit to a Substance abuse Treatment Program, and Analysis essay

buy custom Visit to a Substance abuse Treatment Program, and Analysis essay Descriptive information For this paper, I chose to visit an intensive outpatient program named Meridian in Shrewsbury, NJ. The agency is located in a well maintained building, right of a main highway, reachable by train, car and bus. This is essential, since many of the clients have their driving license suspended due to driving under the influence (DWI), and are dependent on public transportation. The agency serves clients who are committed to following the rules of the program. The requirements of the program are: 1. attending three AA/NA meetings per week. 2. Providing clean urine-samples when requested by the addiction counselor. 3. Attending all classes. Some clients are mandated to attend the IOP by either court, division of youth and family services (DYFS), Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC), or by their significant other, while others attend the program on their own consent. As the group is composed of age, gender, and ethnicity diversity, the counselor is often confronted with problematic group-dynamics, and needs to have solid facilitating skills to ensure the group runs smoothly and the recovery process is not compromised. The clients schedule their intake session, where they are interviewed, and a full bio-psychosocial assessment is executed. At ingestion, the client is requires to take a urine test, which, although many times is expected to come back positive, is still central, to evaluate what types of mind altering substances the client is taking, and to show them that the agency is a serious place, where people come to recover and achieve sobriety. At intake, the client is provided with an option to see the psychiatrist, to ensure further mental health issues are properly addressed. Dependent on the clients diagnosis, they are referred to as either level 1 or level 2 care. Level 1 is usually recommended for a diagnosis of mind altering substances abuse; these are clients who are beginning to develop a problem, but are not yet dependent on the substances. Clients, who are diagnosed with dependence, are referred to as level 2. Since level 1 is a prior level of treatment, their group meets only once a week for three hours during a 6 weeks period, while level 2, a more intense program, meets three times per week for three hours. Once a week, the group is focused towards the family of the addict. Clients are encouraged to bring their parent(s), significant other, or anyone else they feel can gain from a heightened awareness and understanding of substance abuse issues. This group is important, since their knowledge and participation, can have a positive impact on the overall recovery process. In general clients are not transferred from level 1 to level 2, unless a particular client indicates to develop a dependency, in which, the counselor might decide to transfer that client to level 2. The counselor monitors group attendance, and randomly administers urine screening to the clients. Depending on each individual client, positive test-results could be a reason to terminate the client. After completing the 16-week program, clients are encouraged to participate in an after-care group which meets once a week for one hour. This group is facilitated by the same counselor as the IOP, and will ensure the client remains in recovery and not become complacent. Furthermore, the client is provided with a meeting-list and is advised to continue attending at least 90 twelve-step meetings in 90 days. When a client is mandated to attend to attend the IOP program, a letter will be provided to confirm successful completion of the agenda. The group follows the Matrix model (Matrix Institute, 2007), which provides the participant with education regarding the dangers of substance abuse, identifying relapse triggers, prevention tools, and follows the twelve-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Theoretical approaches Richard A. Rawson et al (2003) describes the bio-psychosocial Matrix model as a technique that merges techniques and materials from the cognitive behavioral therapy, and includes providing the client with accurate information on the effects of stimulants, family education, 12-Step program participation and positive reinforcement to alter old behaviors. Richard A Rawson et al (1995) states, the goals of the Matrix model to be: a) cease drug use b) remain in a treatment process for twelve month c) learn about issues critical to addiction and relapse d) receiving direction and support from a trained therapist e) receive education for family afflicted by the addiction f) become familiar with the self-help programs, and g) receive monitoring via urine testing. The therapist needs to be a well trained counselor who creates a positive and healthy affiliation with the group that re-enforces positive behavior change. Although the counselor is direct and realistic, extreme caution needs to be exercised to steer clear of confrontation with the client. Richard A. Rawson et al (1995) understands one of the chief tasks of the therapist as a person who provides confidence, dignity and self-esteem to the client. This humanistic, client-oriented model is crucial for the addict recuperation, since usually clients come in to be treated, after having reached their rock-bottom, as battered people whose self esteem and dignity has been severely beaten. According to Richard A. Rawson (1995) the urine-screenings, randomly performed, are not as a punitive or legal purpose, but rather to assess where the client is holding in the recovery, and as a point of discussion. Bradford T. Winslow (2007) found that randomly urine tests actually rewards clients, since they feel pleased when they are able to proof their abstinence to the counselor, and motivates them from relapsing during the treatment program. Jeanne L. Obert et al. (2005) has a slight different perceptive what the role of the counselor should be. They stress that the counselor is that of a cheerleader, teacher, coach and counselor. The task of the psychotherapist is more to proffer education regarding the physical and emotional harm that these mind-altering substances impact on the human body and to teach them skills to prevent relapse. It seems to be more focused on the current day tools, vs. focusing on addictive behaviors, and past resentments often causing the client to start using these chemicals and relapse. The purpose of the group setting in the Matrix model is well illustrated by Washton (2002); the participants are aided by support of the group, to move toward involvement in treatment, and willingness to change. Peer support is a fundamental element of the logic behind the group-setting, since sharing each others experiences, gives the individual the courage to attain the same what has been achieved by his or her peer, and learn different tactics in achieving the goal of sobriety. Another motive of the group-setting is the embarrassment participants will experience if they relapse during the program. In 2002, Richard A. Rawson, PhD accentuates the advantages of the matrix model over the existing outpatient programs, that is, the structure the matrix model provides in treating the addict, while the traditional outpatient programs are inadequately structured. He further reinforces the elements of individual psychotherapy which is not always implemented into the matrix model. In the agency which I have visited, the agency does not provide individual therapy despite the fact that they follow the matrix model religiously. Obert et al. (2000) identifies the matrix model as easy to use, research-based materials to front-line clinicians, and their clients. The matrix model is different than other treatment model by the fact that it has been developed in a clinical setting, and has constantly been modified through field-testing. The client gets an easy to read hand-out with various exercises developed in educating the client in a non-confrontational way. A key component of the model is the fact tat the client and the counselor are collaborators in the recovery process, which is achieved by implementing the motivational interviewing approach designed by Miller and Rollnick (2002); this therapeutic alliance encourages the client to put all effort in their recovery process. Obert et al. (2000) sees the goals of the model as: a) Create explicit structure and expectations b) establish a positive collaborative relationship with the client c) teach clients and their families empirical information and cognitive-behavioral concepts d) positive reinforce desired behavioral change e) provide corrective feedback when necessary f) educate the family regarding stimulant abuse recovery g) introduce and encourage self-help participation h) use urinalysis and breath alcohol analysis to monitor drug and alcohol use on a random schedule. Critical analysis of treatment Although research has proven the matrix model to be effective, (Obert et al. 2000), there are many reservations regarding this model. One of the key concerns in opposition to this model is the fact that it is based exclusively upon the cognitive behavioral method, which focuses on modifying current behaviors, but fails to analyze and address underlying issues which play a significant role in causing addiction. Furthermore, manual based therapy compromise the therapeutic relationship with the client, despite it developing a therapeutic bond. Many counselors were skeptical of the matrix model, due to the fact that it treats clients who have not experiences their bottom through severe consequences due to their addiction. Simpson, D et al. (1995) have found that clients treated by the matrix model, are more focused on the curriculum than the therapeutic process. Furthermore, they identified three problems; 1. Manual-based treatments ignore individual clients differences 2. Manual-based treatments cannot meet the need of co-occurring disorders 3. Manual-based treatments ignore clients emotions. Brown (2004) sees the issue with the matrix model in the lack of focus on the socioeconomic, cultural and gender issues such as domestic and sexual abuse. These issues are mostly present since the matrix model treats any client in a group setting where the content of the group is determined by the manual, preventing counselors to pay attention to these other aspects in the clients life. Another important concern to the matrix model is pointed out by Anglin, M.D Rawson (2000); since the matrix model is performed in a group setting, you often have clients in different stages of recovery interacting in the same group. Although this can be an advantage, since this enables them to learn from one-another, however, this can also have a negative impact on the individual; since individuals need individual focus on the part most applicable to their point in recovery. Family members play a significant role in recovery. In one study, Morris et al (1992) concluded that substance abuse is considered a family disease, since it affects marital relationships, family and child functioning. This underlines the importance of properly involving family member(s) in the recovery process. This is echoed by Curtis Janzen (2006), who describes the family members as repeatedly experiencing significant mental and physical strain, as a result of their loved ones addiction. Asher Brissett (1988) state that: the family members of substance abusers are part of a dysfunctional family system, in which they often, unwittingly, contribute to the perpetuation of the substance abuse behavior. The family members behavior is often labeled as enabling or co-dependent. Obert et al. (2000) describe in detail why the matrix model undermines the need of the family member: a) Clients are often uncomfortable bringing their family member to group, because they might have disclosed to the group secret information regarding their private lives, and are afraid that this information will accidentally be disclosed by one of the group members. b) It can take clients as much as three to four weeks to stabilize from the crises they often find themselves in when commencing the IOP. It would therefore not be beneficial to bring their family-member to group, since they are unready to discuss their family issues until they have somewhat stabilized their individual situation. c) Clients can be embarrassed to bring in a family member, due to physical or mental issues their family member may have, and which they feel uncomfortable revealing to the group. d) Family members often need numerous sessions to relieve themselves of their experiences, frustration and anger; this need cannot be met by the existing program. e) The family group is mainly focused on educating the family member with the concept that addiction is a disease rather than a bad behavior, whereas, what the family member(s) really require is additional intense group therapy to deal with the hurt, guilt and shame experienced when there is addiction in the family. They also need to be given tools to address enabling and codependency. Another critique on one of the components of the matrix model is the urine-screening process. Clients who are forced to show abstinence, and are not doing it from their free will, are more likely to relapse as soon as the mandated urine screening procedure is finalized. Furthermore, accuracy of urine-screening is often compromised, by showing a positive result due to consumption of poppy seed, or a negative result caused by flushing the system with specially designed liquid for this purpose. (Dupont Baumgartner 1995). Despite the critique on the matrix method, research does have proven the model to be effective. Richard A. Rawson et al (2003), compared outcomes of traditional treatment models to the newly designed matrix model, and found that the clients who were treated by the matrix model were attending more clinical sessions, stayed in treatment longer, provided more negative urine-samples, and had longer periods of abstinence than those treated by more traditional methods. Moreover the matrix model is user friendly and its structure ensures that time invested in the recovery process is properly utilized. Harm reduction model Harm reduction is an approach rather than a goal, and its aim is to reduce or eliminate the negative consequences of drug use rather than eliminating the drug itself. There is am emphasis on the aim of reducing the adverse consequences among individuals who cannot be expected to ease their drug use at the present time for various reasons (Riley et al., 1999). The underlying philosophy is to approach the client in a non-judgmental way, and help the client develop goals personally. (Bradley-Springer, 1996) The rights of the individual are of prime importance, which includes; dignity, and the right to make personal decisions. Harm reduction includes a holistic incremental and multidimensional approach to decreasing risks for individuals and communities. Although the harm reduction model is contradictory to the traditional abstinence model, it may however ne compatible with the eventual goal of abstinence. The model proposes that social support, health assistance, education and disease p revention measures should be minimized. (Bradley-Springer, 1996) Harm reduction contrasts to the prohibition philosophy, also known as the abstinence model. This model concentrates on increasing interdiction, treatment and prevention efforts, combined with keeping mind altering drugs illegal (DuPont and Voth, 1995) The basic process of harm reduction consists of providing the client with a continuum of options for their considerations, ranging from the riskiest behavior to the lease risky behavior. This has dual-purposes; firstly, it allows the client to assess their current behaviors in comparison to both more and less risky behaviors, which may help the client to see where they need to make changes. It may also help the client assess where their behaviors have improved or degenerated over time, giving them a means of measuring the changes in behavior. Furthermore the continuum provides the client with a range of behaviors so that they can choose for themselves the most suitable changes based on their personal circumstances. The theory oof harm reduction acknowledges that there are various external factors which impact upon an individual and may affect their behaviors in ways which they cannot control, or are difficult for them to control. It is for this reason that one of the underpinning criteria of the harm reduction model is that the individual is allowed to choose their own targets based upon what they feel is achievable under their current circumstances. These environmental factors could be family related, peer related, which would impact on any change the individual tried to make. There could be also a wide array of socioeconomic factors, such as background or occupational history of the client which must be considered. However since the prominence of the harm reduction model is based on changing behaviors, the procedure will assist the individual in identifying areas of their life which are causing a probable conflict of interest. Exploitation of the harm reduction model would as well assist them in forming strategies that enable them to make changes which would facilitate transformation in their behavior. For example if a client were to identify that their behavior is negatively influenced by their work environment, the client may choose to implement strategies which would reduce this influence, or even end it altogether. The emphasis would be on the client to choose these changes, rather than the professional to insist that these changes are deployed. With regards to substance abuse, advocates of using the harm reduction model acknowledge that there are many environmental factors which influence the behavior of a substance abuser. Des Jarlais (1995) claims that the use of non-medical, mind-altering drugs is unavoidable in societies which have access to these drugs. He also states that it is inevitable that drugs will cause harm at both individual and societal levels. Des Jarlais (1995) claims that drug users form an integral part of the larger community and therefore must be included in measures to protect public health. Harm reduction strategies aim to protect substance abusers along with all other members of a community. This is in contrast to prohibition models in which the substance abuser is viewed as an individual describes as a simplistic moral solution to complex human problems (Griffin, 1998). Harm reduction accepts that some harm is inevitable but that the ideal of zero tolerance excludes compromise and sets goals which are not achievable (Riley et al., 1999). The harm reduction model has been applied predominantly to drug misuse issues, however it has successfully been used in many other areas such as; weight loss, tobacco addiction, and alcohol addiction. Many of those who have failed on traditional abstinence programs such as those promoted by Alcoholics Anonymous have made some progress using harm reduction techniques. The techniques have been successful as they set a series of stepping stones which have been decided by the client themselves. This may lead to full abstinence at some time in the future, although that decision is left to the individual themselves and not imposed upon them. (Witkiewitz and Marlatt. 2006). Strength and limitations The major strength of the harm reduction model is that the model can be applied in a non-biased pattern to any selection of the population. The underlying principles are based upon approaching the client in a lenient manner, which should eradicate many of the prejudices which may be associated with other models. For example, some of the groups who are more at risk from substance abuse are those of ethnic minorities and low socio-economic status. Another benefit of the harm reduction model, is that individuals who relapse do not necessary revert all the way back to high risks and unhealthy behaviors. It is imperative that if it happens, that the client is shown that their failure is not absolute, as this will offer encouragement for the client to set new goals and begin the process all over. The main limitation to the model is that in order for the nonjudgmental principles of the approach to be achieved it is necessary for health professional to remove any personal stigma or prejudice. There is no room in the harm reduction model for personal opinions of the health care or social care professional to allow their personal feelings to become involved in the decisions made regarding treatment. This can be a challenging at times especially for those professionals who have worked in the field with other models. Harm reduction theories were first applied to substance abuse in the 1920s when a group of doctors concluded that it may be necessary occasionally to maintain a person on drugs in order to help them lead a more productive life (Griffin, 1998). Critics of harm reduction reject it as being overly permissive in its rejection of strict zero-tolerance policies and its promotion of alternatives to abstinence. Some have labeled it a front for drug legalization. Des Jarlais (1995) Harm reduction programs are often insufficiently coordinated with each other, often overlapping and underfunded. This can lead to a competitive nature between the different harm reduction programs rather than the cooperation which is needed to increase their success (Hilton et al., 2001) One key example of the application of harm reduction to substance abuse is the creation of needle and syringe exchange programs (NSPs) which can prevent HIV/AIDS infections from spreading by providing users with new, sterile syringes in exchange for used syringes, which reduces transmission through needle sharing. NSPs also provide an opportunity to pass out educational materials and facilitate engagement in formal addiction treatment and other social services. Many studies have found that NSPs are effective in reducing injection related risk behaviors as well as reducing incidence of HIV and other blood-borne diseases such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C (Hilton et al., 2001; Blumenthal et al., 1998) Many countries and organizations have now adopted harm reduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) endorses harm reduction as a strategy to prevent the spread of HIV as it they considered drug use to be less of a threat to individuals and communities than drug use itself (Riley, 1998) Despite current legislation in many countries which prevents the full adoption of the model as the framework for drug misuse treatment, there are still ways in which the principles can be promoted through treatment. The successful reduction of harm is in the interest of all, and harm reduction promises to be a method which is likely to succeed in its objectives by reducing harm to both drug users and those in the wider community. My Conclusion Although we have described the pros and cons both in the matrix model as well as to the harm reduction model, I would individually have a preference to the matrix model, though in some exceptional cases, I would have selected the harm reduction model. When the addict is in his advanced stages of addiction, and repercussions have been dramatic, I would definitely encourage the implementation and realization of the matrix model, in view of the fact that it seems that in such a condition, the patient will not be able to cut the use, thus total abstinence is apposite. When a client is in the beginning stages of substance use, and did not experience severe consequences, it might be advisable to treat that client with the harm reduction model. I would also carefully review the individuals circumstances, in order to assess if self-denial would hinder the clients daily performances, hence going by the harm reduction model. In this paper, I have gained knowledge of the significance of aptly applying the correct model to the client, to ensure their successful recovery. What is also of importance is what seems to be applicable to both models, that is, the concept of motivational interviewing. It is critical to have the client explore their ambivalence, and reach out their own conclusion to seek sobriety. Recovery which is spring out from a persons own desire is more valuable and more sustainable. We, as social workers, have to be extremely vigilant in treating the client, with a vision, that our interaction can bring about transformation to the clients existence. Buy custom Visit to a Substance abuse Treatment Program, and Analysis essay

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Laws Regulating Federal Lobbyists

Laws Regulating Federal Lobbyists In public opinion polls, lobbyists rank somewhere between pond scum and nuclear waste. In every election, politicians vow never to be â€Å"bought out† by lobbyists, but often do. Briefly, lobbyists get paid by businesses or special interest groups to win the votes and support of members of the U.S. Congress and state legislatures.   Indeed, to many people, lobbyists and what they do represent the main cause of corruption in federal government. But while lobbyists and their influence in Congress sometimes seem to be out of control, they really do have to follow laws. In fact, lots of them.   Background: The Laws of Lobbying While each state legislature has created its own set of laws regulating lobbyists, there are two specific federal laws regulating the actions of lobbyists targeting the U.S. Congress.   Recognizing the need to make the lobbying process more transparent and accountable to the American people, Congress enacted the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) of 1995. Under this law, all lobbyists dealing with the U.S. Congress are required to register with both the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate. Within 45 days of becoming employed or retained to lobby on behalf of a new client, the lobbyist must register his or her agreement with that client with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House. As of 2015, more than 16,000 federal lobbyists were registered under the LDA. However, merely registering with Congress was not enough to prevent some lobbyists from abusing the system to the point of triggering total disgust for their profession. Jack Abramoff Lobbying Scandal Spurred New, Tougher Law Public hatred for lobbyists and lobbying reached its peak in 2006 when Jack Abramoff, working as a lobbyist for the rapidly growing Indian casino industry, pleaded guilty to charges of bribing members of Congress, some of whom also ended up in prison as a result of the scandal. In the aftermath of the Abramoff scandal, Congress in 2007 passed the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (HLOGA) fundamentally changing the ways in which lobbyists were allowed to interact with members of Congress. As a result of HLOGA, lobbyists are prohibited from â€Å"treating† Congress members or their staff to things like meals, travel, or entertainment events. Under HLOGA, lobbyists must file Lobbying Disclosure (LD) reports during each year revealing all contributions they made to campaign events for members of Congress or other expenditures of efforts they make that might in any way personally benefit a member of Congress. Specifically, the required reports are: The LD-2 report showing all lobbying activities for each organization they are registered to represent must be filed quarterly; andThe LD-203 report disclosing certain political â€Å"contributions† to politicians must be filed twice a year. What Can Lobbyists ‘Contribute’ to Politicians? Lobbyists are allowed to contribute money to federal politicians under the same campaign contribution limits placed on individuals. During the current (2016) federal election cycle, lobbyists cannot give more than $2,700 to any candidate and $5,000 to any Political Action Committees (PAC) in each election. Of course, the most coveted â€Å"contributions† lobbyists make to politicians are the money and votes of the members of the industries and organizations they work for. In 2015 for example, the nearly 5 million members of the National Rifle Association gave a combined $3.6 million to federal politicians opposed to tighter gun control policy. In addition, lobbyist must file quarterly reports listing their clients, the fees they received from each client and the issues on which they lobbied for each client. Lobbyists who fail to comply with these laws face could face both civil and criminal penalties as determined by the Office of the U.S. Attorney. Penalties for Violation of the Lobbying Laws The Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, along with U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) are responsible for ensuring that lobbyists comply with the LDA activity disclosure law. Should they detect a failure to comply, the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House notifies the lobbyist in writing. Should the lobbyist fail to provide an adequate response, the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House refers the case to the USAO. The USAO researches these referrals and sends additional noncompliance notices to the lobbyist, requesting that they file reports or terminate their registration. If USAO does not receive a response after 60 days, it decides whether to pursue a civil or criminal case against the lobbyist. A civil judgment could lead to penalties up to $200,000 for each violation, while a criminal conviction - usually pursued when a lobbyist’s noncompliance is found to be knowing and corrupt- could lead to a maximum of 5 years in prison. So yes, there are laws for lobbyists, but how many of those lobbyists are really doing the â€Å"right thing† by complying with the disclosure laws? GAO Reports on Lobbyists’ Compliance with the Law In an audit released on March 24, 2016, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that during 2015, â€Å"most† registered federal lobbyists did file disclosure reports that included key data required by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (LDA). According to the GAO’s audit, 88% of lobbyists properly filed initial LD-2 reports as required by the LDA. Of those properly filed reports, 93% included adequate documentation on income and expenses. About 85% of lobbyists properly filed their required year-end LD-203 reports disclosing campaign contributions. During 2015, federal lobbyists filed 45,565 LD-2 disclosure reports with $5,000 or more in lobbying activity, and 29,189 LD-203 reports of federal political campaign contributions. The GAO did find that, as in years past, some lobbyists continued to properly disclose payments for certain â€Å"covered positions,† as paid congressional internships or certain executive agency positions provided as part of the lobbyists’ â€Å"contributions† to lawmakers. GAO’s audit estimated that about 21% of all LD-2 reports filed by lobbyists in 2015 failed to disclose payments for at least one such covered position, despite the fact that most lobbyists told the GAO that they found the rules regarding reporting covered positions as being â€Å"very easy† or   Ã¢â‚¬Å"somewhat easy† to understand.